Seeking ‘Best Practice’ Stewardship and ESG Risk Mitigation

Rowan’s core goal is inherently driven toward building real asset investments that deliver enduring carbon emissions reduction. Our focus on sustainability, ethics and stewardship supports and extends well beyond this, to our broad stakeholder population and the many communities in which our businesses operate. We are conscious of our impacts on society at large, through job creation and preservation, greater community engagement, increased team diversity, promotion of a business culture supporting principled and ethical behavior and importantly, reduced environmental outcomes from our daily operations.

Environmental Stewardship, Jobs and Community Impact

Climate and emissions reduction are central to Rowan’s purpose, and to meeting the 2015 Paris Agreement commitments to “holding the increase in the global average temperature to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels”. Renewable energy also has a much broader responsibility to minimize environmental harm and we endeavour to support the environments in which our assets reside.

Job creation, job displacement and retraining, community health and wellbeing, human rights and modern slavery are all central considerations in the growth of long-term infrastructure development. By building assets, Rowan is able to create new jobs, support areas that may have suffered job displacement and can drive better environmental justice, provide better affordability, security and reliability of energy and work with communities who are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Beyond our impact on our immediate communities, Rowan is focused on our supply chains, seeking to use our influence to cease modern slavery, a complex issue across many industries and regions today.

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